My gorgeous poster design using Billy Shakes himself |
Now that classes are over and I'm cleaning my room (or right now, procrastinating) I think I'll give an update on what I've been up to this term (that I haven't already shared).
Look at how manly I look! I need to wear hats more often.
Photo by Alex Koszewski |
The big one is my senior project,
As You Like It! The entire production went beautifully! I couldn't have dreamed to have a better cast, crew and friends involved in the entire process. Our Sunday show was pretty full and the Monday performance went so well we had people sitting in the aisles! I got tons of complements from friends and people I didn't know. It was great to hear from the people I don't know well, because they took the time to stop me to let me know how much they enjoyed the show. I still can't believe it's over, and I keep having weird dreams about how things could have gone wrong (which is odd that I'm having stress dreams about something that's already over).
OFC at the LU President's Inauguration |
I've been in a ton of improv shows with my team, the
Optimistic Feral Children, and I've started putting our shows on
You Tube. The team just keeps getting better, and our shows get more fun every time we perform. There have been a couple of snags and things that didn't go perfectly, but that's the excitement of improv, you never know what's coming next!
OFC in the Shire Shower. Still can't believe we fit in there. |
I've also been appearing in a bunch of
Portia's YouTube Videos, more specifically her
Awkward Dance Wednesday sequence. I still can't believe that I'm living in Comedy house will all these buffoons (I mean that in the endearing sense of the word). Portia, Jessica and I have done a bunch of crazy weird things (like watching two seasons of Chuck in the past week, playing a game involving burping and color calling, randomly singing Book of Mormon, and sleeping on the floor one night because we could). It has been a crazy awesome time living with these guys, and the rest of the house has been great, excluding the Shire Shower.
I can't wait to start