Friday, November 29, 2013


I got to eat Turkey today and it was marvelous. (Yes, I capitalized Turkey. It was important).
Everything was completely delicious, it threw off my entire time table for the day.  We ate dinner around 3:00, so naturally my brain was like, it's 8:00 lets watch a movie and go to bed.  So I watched a few romantic comedies (Love, Actually and Shakespeare in Love: great life choices BTW).  I spent a lot of time today looking at Ph.D. programs for Theatre, which was further emphasized as good choices with discussions with my mother about proper teaching techniques for collegiate courses.  Furthermore, I had a huge nerd boner throughout Shakespeare in Love (mostly trying to find as many play references as humanly possible during the show- I found solid stuff from at least 4 plays, just in case you were wondering).  Which only reinforced the fact that I should spend entirely too much time reading/studying theatre/Shakespeare.  But mostly, I got to eat turkey and stuffing and sweet potatoes and green beans and gravy and so much deliciousness (I'm including the dudes in the rom coms as well).

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The 75th Annual Turkey Bowl

The Football Family Portrait!
Successfully made it out to Elmhurst yesterday for the Turkey Bowl! The game was a ton of fun (after we started moving around and had feeling in our extremities).  Molly couldn't play because of her recurring running injuries, but it was still a blast!

The oddest part of this year was not being able to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house for cocoa and doughnuts afterwards, which has turned into the main reason we play the game!  After they both past away and sold the house, we had the cocoa and doughnuts right in the park after the game.  By that point (around 10:30) it had warmed up enough that we all chatted and such without freezing!

I've been exhausted since the game, I got windblown pretty bad, and I was already a bit sick.  Luckily I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm sure a good night sleep will help loads.  We didn't do a 'traditional' Thanksgiving meal tonight, because we spent the cooking time driving back home, but we're making a turkey tomorrow!  We've done a lot of prep already tonight, so everything should go very smoothly!  I'm definitely looking forward to my first Thanksgiving dinner in Iowa!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Traveling Plans

I just realized how much car time I'm getting in 10 days.  I'm going all over the place!  This winter break is going to be chocked full of me going between places (also a trip to Texas for Christmas!)  I thought I'd map it out and update you guys on where I've already been!

Friday: Milwaukee
Caught Portia's brother in his high school production of Godspell, and then the Milwaukee holiday parade Saturday morning before heading back to Appleton for finals.  It was really fun to see the show, and the marching band was fun to see, although I couldn't feel my legs by the time the parade was over.

Saturday-Monday: Appleton
Took care of finals and wrapped up some other school-related items/packed up for winter break.  It felt really odd to pack up and leave Comedy House, I kept having flash forwards to packing up at the end of the year- to leave Lawrence for good.  It was definitely surreal, but I got it done!

Tuesday-Wednesday: Iowa City
Got to go to my Iowa home (which I now refer to as "my parents house" because I haven't really lived there for a few years now).  Molly got home too, so I got to hang out with her and Delaney and I hung out at the Vine for a bit- geeking out, as usual.

Thus far I've done 500 miles of this 12 day traveling spree, and I'm still having a good time with it.  Luckily I downloaded a bunch of my Shakespeare podcasts and I've got enough musical theatre to last a lifetime.  This afternoon I'm off to Elmhurst to be there in time for the Turkey Bowl Thanksgiving morning football game tomorrow (and cocoa and doughnuts).

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Packing Up

My gorgeous poster design using Billy Shakes himself
Now that classes are over and I'm cleaning my room (or right now, procrastinating) I think I'll give an update on what I've been up to this term (that I haven't already shared).

Look at how manly I look!  I need to wear hats more often.
Photo by Alex Koszewski

The big one is my senior project, As You Like It!  The entire production went beautifully! I couldn't have dreamed to have a better cast, crew and friends involved in the entire process.  Our Sunday show was pretty full and the Monday performance went so well we had people sitting in the aisles!  I got tons of complements from friends and people I didn't know.  It was great to hear from the people I don't know well, because they took the time to stop me to let me know how much they enjoyed the show.  I still can't believe it's over, and I keep having weird dreams about how things could have gone wrong (which is odd that I'm having stress dreams about something that's already over).

OFC at the LU President's Inauguration 
I've been in a ton of improv shows with my team, the Optimistic Feral Children, and I've started putting our shows on You Tube.  The team just keeps getting better, and our shows get more fun every time we perform.  There have been a couple of snags and things that didn't go perfectly, but that's the excitement of improv, you never know what's coming next!
OFC in the Shire Shower.  Still can't believe we fit in there.
I've also been appearing in a bunch of Portia's YouTube Videos, more specifically her Awkward Dance Wednesday sequence.  I still can't believe that I'm living in Comedy house will all these buffoons (I mean that in the endearing sense of the word).  Portia, Jessica and I have done a bunch of crazy weird things (like watching two seasons of Chuck in the past week, playing a game involving burping and color calling, randomly singing Book of Mormon, and sleeping on the floor one night because we could).  It has been a crazy awesome time living with these guys, and the rest of the house has been great, excluding the Shire Shower.

I can't wait to start

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh, silly textbooks

As the term comes to a close (which is incredibly weird, I know), I thought I'd share some fun things I found in my Developmental Psychopathology textbook throughout the term.  It's a pretty sassy textbook, so we got along pretty well throughout the course.
She's cheating on a drawing.  The girls are both holding crayons.

I hate it when I can't attack my professors.
Sweat makes you slippery, just in case you forgot.

Oh no! This child is being attacked and looks completely bored!

I can't believe that Fall term is wrapping up.  Luckily I'm mostly done with the hard parts, having already finished my senior project (more geeking on that to come later) and had my final for this psych class, I'm in pretty good shape.  Unfortunately, that makes it even more difficult to make myself work on things, because I'm finished with so many things already!  (I'm not actually complaining though, it's pretty excellent).