Thursday, December 26, 2013

San Antonio part deux

We went to the Natural Bridge Caverns outside San Antonio and went on a tour of the caverns, followed by Molly and I doing a zip line and ropes course! I was really nervous going onto the zip line (as I had never done one before). It was actually relaxing. Definitely not what I was thinking I was going to feel, but gliding above the trees was very soothing. The ropes course, however, was not soothing. I made myself get all the way to the fourth story, and even did a few obstacles without holding onto my rope. Molly only went up to the second level, so I was super proud of myself. 

We also went shopping at the Mexican market. So many colors and skulls everywhere! I managed to get out with only a scarf, but that's only because the ukulele-like objects were all miniature guitars.  

Molly and I did another excursion to the river walk at night, which was incredible. We walked to an Irish pub to get some non-Texmex food, to cleanse our palates. No regrets of my Shepard sour and Black and Tan. I was in need of a good beer after such a busy few days. 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

San Antonio

Packed up from Dallas this morning and got to San Antonio this afternoon. We did a quick tour of the Alamo and walking along true river walk. 

Molly and I spotted a wax museum, as well as Ripley's Believe it or Not. I got some pretty good shots of me with the "celebrities"

We also took advantage of the free happy hour drinks and snacks until Molly and I slipped out to get a "real" dinner along he river walk. 

Also catching. "The Sound of Music" as some chill time before bed. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Made it!

We finally made it to Texas! (Dallas, more specifically). We grabbed some food at a restaurant that makes (apparently) really strong drinks (unfortunately I did not partake) 

We're now at the hotel for the night, I'm about to snuggle up with my new swan towel friend. 

Presidential Visits

What a fun filled day we had in Dallas! We started the morning at the George W Bush museum outside of SMU (after some confusion with directins) and I got to take a sit in the model Oval office they have there. I think the presidency looks good on me. 

We then turned to the 6th floor museum at Dealy Plaza, where JFK was assassinated. We did the audio tour (which I found surprisingly helpful) and got to see the window and the street where the assassination took place. I was struck by how much support Kennedy had shown for the arts during his administration, 


Boom. My career path is bettering America. 

We also found a nicely painted mailbox in downtown Dallas.  Perfect photo op. 

We also went to an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. So. Much. Sushi. Interesting thing, though. Sushi full is much different from American food full. It's much lighter and less painful than a post-thanksgiving food coma. For example, with a sushi fill you are able to have a cupcake and a Bert an hour later at your cousins house without hating yourself. Especially when his one year old gets completely covered in frosting. That helps too. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Oklahoma City

Made it through to Oklahoma City right as rush hour started. Hopefully we won't be stuck in it too long, I'm getting pretty done with being in the car. 

Sidenote: I forgot about Waffle Houses. I'm getting to one of those sometime this week. For sure. 

Helping Out

A young woman approached Dad while we took a quick rest aroo and asked if we could check her transmission fluid. Of course we did, and found it was a bit low. She thanked us and went to call her dad to see what she should do. It's funny how Dad seemed so approachable when she didn't know us at all. Mom thinks it's because she saw that he had two older daughters, which is valid. It's just interesting to think about who I would approach if I needed help like that. The stop also postponed us just long enough to catch a Santa Fe engine in acton (which is super cool when that's been "the best" model train to run in the layout) 


Snack time! Pulling out the trail mix and travel cheese (which is home smoked gouda that my dad smoked a few days ago. I even made a vine yesterday of him slicing it)

Apparently the hills we're crossing are comprised of slate and limestone that were covered by shallow seas a few million years ago. There aren't any trees because the dirt is so shallow. 

Kansas' "Dust in the Wind" just started playing on the radio. Well played, radio. Well played. 


Woke up just before we left Iowa! We made it to the Missouri welcome center for a quick potty break and marveled at the mural inside the building. And by marveled I mean I found a fish. 

Hitting The Road

It's not even 6:30 and I've already trailed dog poop into the house. Luckily we're already out the door, so my day will hopefully get better. The family and I are driving down to Texas for Christmas.  

I'm going to live blog the drive down, because 13 hours in a car with the family is bound to get interesting. 

Not for a while though, I'm going back to sleep. It's way too early for awake-ness. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

All the German

Me and my flour 'stache

Last Sunday I got to visit with my family down in Crawfordsville (as a part of my 12 day road trip extravaganza).  For the annual Schmitz family cookie/kolache bake!  It was super fun to see a bunch of my cousins and babies and all of that.  Of course, I covered myself in flour and got to work!  We made two batches (which made 4 pans each) and ate a ton of chilli and baked goods galore!

It was really odd to talk to my family after my solidification of possible career paths.  I talked with a bunch of my relatives about going to grad school and it made it feel so much more real than just poking around. Kind of scary, but reassuring.  They're all ridiculously supportive.

Now I'm finally staying in the same place for two weeks: Bjorklunden!  I'm here for a two-week immersive start up theatre course.  We already have a ton done on Greyfell Theatre Company!  I already wrote a 10 minute play with Luke, and we've read a ton of others.  The website, the facebook, twitter, the blog have all been set up.  I'm on the blogging/social media team (I know, you're shocked.  Try to contain your surprise).  And am helping create the posts, I'm also hoping to be acting/directing/something as a part of the show itself which is happening next weekend!  It's all been going so fast, and we're staying in the same building.  Luckily I took some time after lunch to roam the grounds and look at how beautiful the woods and Lake Michigan are.

The image of Greyfell (the eight legged horse) in the great hall that served as inspiration for our name!

Friday, November 29, 2013


I got to eat Turkey today and it was marvelous. (Yes, I capitalized Turkey. It was important).
Everything was completely delicious, it threw off my entire time table for the day.  We ate dinner around 3:00, so naturally my brain was like, it's 8:00 lets watch a movie and go to bed.  So I watched a few romantic comedies (Love, Actually and Shakespeare in Love: great life choices BTW).  I spent a lot of time today looking at Ph.D. programs for Theatre, which was further emphasized as good choices with discussions with my mother about proper teaching techniques for collegiate courses.  Furthermore, I had a huge nerd boner throughout Shakespeare in Love (mostly trying to find as many play references as humanly possible during the show- I found solid stuff from at least 4 plays, just in case you were wondering).  Which only reinforced the fact that I should spend entirely too much time reading/studying theatre/Shakespeare.  But mostly, I got to eat turkey and stuffing and sweet potatoes and green beans and gravy and so much deliciousness (I'm including the dudes in the rom coms as well).

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The 75th Annual Turkey Bowl

The Football Family Portrait!
Successfully made it out to Elmhurst yesterday for the Turkey Bowl! The game was a ton of fun (after we started moving around and had feeling in our extremities).  Molly couldn't play because of her recurring running injuries, but it was still a blast!

The oddest part of this year was not being able to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house for cocoa and doughnuts afterwards, which has turned into the main reason we play the game!  After they both past away and sold the house, we had the cocoa and doughnuts right in the park after the game.  By that point (around 10:30) it had warmed up enough that we all chatted and such without freezing!

I've been exhausted since the game, I got windblown pretty bad, and I was already a bit sick.  Luckily I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm sure a good night sleep will help loads.  We didn't do a 'traditional' Thanksgiving meal tonight, because we spent the cooking time driving back home, but we're making a turkey tomorrow!  We've done a lot of prep already tonight, so everything should go very smoothly!  I'm definitely looking forward to my first Thanksgiving dinner in Iowa!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Traveling Plans

I just realized how much car time I'm getting in 10 days.  I'm going all over the place!  This winter break is going to be chocked full of me going between places (also a trip to Texas for Christmas!)  I thought I'd map it out and update you guys on where I've already been!

Friday: Milwaukee
Caught Portia's brother in his high school production of Godspell, and then the Milwaukee holiday parade Saturday morning before heading back to Appleton for finals.  It was really fun to see the show, and the marching band was fun to see, although I couldn't feel my legs by the time the parade was over.

Saturday-Monday: Appleton
Took care of finals and wrapped up some other school-related items/packed up for winter break.  It felt really odd to pack up and leave Comedy House, I kept having flash forwards to packing up at the end of the year- to leave Lawrence for good.  It was definitely surreal, but I got it done!

Tuesday-Wednesday: Iowa City
Got to go to my Iowa home (which I now refer to as "my parents house" because I haven't really lived there for a few years now).  Molly got home too, so I got to hang out with her and Delaney and I hung out at the Vine for a bit- geeking out, as usual.

Thus far I've done 500 miles of this 12 day traveling spree, and I'm still having a good time with it.  Luckily I downloaded a bunch of my Shakespeare podcasts and I've got enough musical theatre to last a lifetime.  This afternoon I'm off to Elmhurst to be there in time for the Turkey Bowl Thanksgiving morning football game tomorrow (and cocoa and doughnuts).

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Packing Up

My gorgeous poster design using Billy Shakes himself
Now that classes are over and I'm cleaning my room (or right now, procrastinating) I think I'll give an update on what I've been up to this term (that I haven't already shared).

Look at how manly I look!  I need to wear hats more often.
Photo by Alex Koszewski

The big one is my senior project, As You Like It!  The entire production went beautifully! I couldn't have dreamed to have a better cast, crew and friends involved in the entire process.  Our Sunday show was pretty full and the Monday performance went so well we had people sitting in the aisles!  I got tons of complements from friends and people I didn't know.  It was great to hear from the people I don't know well, because they took the time to stop me to let me know how much they enjoyed the show.  I still can't believe it's over, and I keep having weird dreams about how things could have gone wrong (which is odd that I'm having stress dreams about something that's already over).

OFC at the LU President's Inauguration 
I've been in a ton of improv shows with my team, the Optimistic Feral Children, and I've started putting our shows on You Tube.  The team just keeps getting better, and our shows get more fun every time we perform.  There have been a couple of snags and things that didn't go perfectly, but that's the excitement of improv, you never know what's coming next!
OFC in the Shire Shower.  Still can't believe we fit in there.
I've also been appearing in a bunch of Portia's YouTube Videos, more specifically her Awkward Dance Wednesday sequence.  I still can't believe that I'm living in Comedy house will all these buffoons (I mean that in the endearing sense of the word).  Portia, Jessica and I have done a bunch of crazy weird things (like watching two seasons of Chuck in the past week, playing a game involving burping and color calling, randomly singing Book of Mormon, and sleeping on the floor one night because we could).  It has been a crazy awesome time living with these guys, and the rest of the house has been great, excluding the Shire Shower.

I can't wait to start

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Oh, silly textbooks

As the term comes to a close (which is incredibly weird, I know), I thought I'd share some fun things I found in my Developmental Psychopathology textbook throughout the term.  It's a pretty sassy textbook, so we got along pretty well throughout the course.
She's cheating on a drawing.  The girls are both holding crayons.

I hate it when I can't attack my professors.
Sweat makes you slippery, just in case you forgot.

Oh no! This child is being attacked and looks completely bored!

I can't believe that Fall term is wrapping up.  Luckily I'm mostly done with the hard parts, having already finished my senior project (more geeking on that to come later) and had my final for this psych class, I'm in pretty good shape.  Unfortunately, that makes it even more difficult to make myself work on things, because I'm finished with so many things already!  (I'm not actually complaining though, it's pretty excellent).

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

After deciding this morning to take advantage of the socially acceptable day to wear my clown outfit (which I will take whenever I can get it), I broke out the ol' nose, vest, and my umbrella too! I'm sure the fact that it was raining put a damper on a lot of other people's Halloweens, but it helped me out!  I also got a buddy to join in my costume.  Good old Billy Shakes, always good for a laugh.

I also did something really scary in honor of the spoopy holiday, I chopped my hair off! I was totally freaking out and then we just did it!  And I'm so happy with how it turned out; the only downside is now I have to completely relearn how to style it (and probably wash it a lot more than I'm used to).  But it's so LIGHT and CUTE and DIFFERENT than anything I've ever done with it, so I'm getting really super excited!!


Monday, October 28, 2013


Guys, I won the first ever Comedy house Catan game. Feels pretty darn good.

I got a few good quotes jotted down during the game. 

You're such a wang doodle
That warms my evil heart
Well this is baaaaaad news
Double sheep double sheep

Good stuff right here. I'm looking forward to the next game, I've got to retain my title!

And now I'm playing catan

Legitimately thought it was Wednesday for a bit

For a good 5 minutes I had completely convinced myself that it was not Monday night.  Too much had happened today for it to be still Monday.  Here's a wrap up of my day:
  • Woke up early
  • Moved my car out of the faculty lot and onto the street
  • Made coffee and oatmeal
  • Studied for Psych exam in the living room. (3 of my housemates were also doing homework at 8 am.  We comiserated together for a bit)
  • Finished coffee and oatmeal leisurely at home (this almost never happens, so it's worth noting)
  • Took Psych exam (that could go in 3 different directions grade wise- still not sure how I feel aobut it)
  • Came home
  • Put clothes away while playing an entire Yellow Ostrich album
  • Vacuumed
  • Put up a bunch of posters (first time this year I've put stuff on my wall and I've been living here for 7 weeks now...)
  • Grabbed lunch (also known as grabbing a sandwich and bringing it home so I could watch TV- the sandwich was unsatisfying.  Too much cheese, and it wasn't even good cheese)
  • Watched "The Mindy Project"
  • Went shopping for LUMOS Halloween party
  • Learned that Portia got a concussion over the weekend
  • Tried on some shoes at the costume shop and set up appointment to chop off my hair (it's going down on Thursday, FYI)
  • Watched an old "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" with good ol' Benedict Cumberbatch (where he does all the rap songs in his Alan Rickman impression)
  • Ran lines with Daniel and Sophie in da cafe
  • Dinner (they had puppy chow for dessert- good day)
  • Rehearsal (with shoes and hat.  We did all the Rosalind/Orlando scenes, which was entirely too much fun)
  • Put my car back in the ramp while someone followed me home (I'm pretty sure she was a Lawrence student, but it was still awkward and creepy to walk slightly in front of her the whole way back to Comedy House)
  • Homework in the living room
  • Looked at pictures from Costa Rica trip while trying not to laugh/cry the whole time
  • Chillin' in my bed thinking it's not Monday night when it totally is.
Well, when you put it in a list like that, it seems like I actually did a lot of stuff today. It makes slightly more sense that it feels like more days than one have passed.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

What's productivity when you've got ice cream?

Well, this reading period was definitely interesting, to say the least.  Spent most of Thursday night watching Portia chuck whales at Jessica, which was loads of fun.

We also spent about 3 hours on Friday connecting our movies in the longest string ever.  We were trying to connect all the old teenage flicks we borrowed from the library (including Freaky Friday and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) using only movies that we had with us at school.  It's much harder (and more fun) than you could possibly imagine.  In the end we had 46 movies strung together on our floor.

Unfortunately, I had a ton of stuff to get done.  It's only unfortunate because I think I got 2% of it done over the previous 3 days.  I got a good 25% done today, but that's only because the test I'm studying for is tomorrow.  It's really ironic studying for a test on anxiety and depression in children and adolescent when the test itself is totally throwing off the feedback loop of my HPA axis.  It's been a generally stressful and argumentative day, so I'm going to get some ice cream before it becomes too much.

Much better.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Script, My Love

You stay with me when times are tough
Together we will stand
When I approach the battlefield
We walk hand in hand

I know you from the inside out
Through and through and through
Some nights we sit alone together
I'm mesmerized by you

And yet I know a time will come
When I'll know you all the way
But you will always be with me
In my heart forever you will stay

Going Out

Guys, I did stuff with people this week and it was fun and such!  Even though I had a ton of work to do (a paper for my Shakespeare class on a text comparison of King Lear that I spent more time avoiding than actually writing) I managed to get some quality socialization done!

The improv team (as well as a few other groups) got a touring company of the Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB) to come give a workshop and a show at LU!  The workshop was one of the best we've had, as well as the most useful.  We're already getting better at finding the 'game' in the scene (also known as finding a  joke to riff on throughout the scene).  We also hung out with them afterwards in Comedy House and chatted about how cool improv is and how weird Lawrence is (none of them really had to go to class in college.  That seems odd to me, as I usually like attending my classes.  That's why I'm going to college).  Anyway, we played a bunch of records and sang Simon and Garfunkel until I decided to start working on my paper again.
Members of UCB jamming out to "Cecilia" in Comedy House

We also went to a concert last night! Bright Kind opened for Yellow Ostrich and both bands rocked pretty hard. And that meant that Portia, Jessica and I were bothering other people with our presence on a Saturday night!  Woo being social!

Front and center
Cute Guitarist alert

Just to clarify, it's not that I don't like being around other people on weekends, it's just so much easier/cozier/less stressful to sit in the house and watch movies. I'm always tired by the end of the week anyway.  Going out takes so much energy and planning and premeditation that I don't usually feel like putting forth by the time the week is up.

Also, I think I want to try some more rock star hair.  It always looks so edgy and fun and the whole i-dont-care-what-you-think thing.  Which I'm pretty down with generally.  I'll probably try spiking whatever haircut I get after Halloween.  I'm getting stoked for that as well.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just Chillin' with Kurt Vonnegut

Randomly decided two days ago that I was gonna buy a Nook, and I did!  Last night after rehearsal, Porita and I booked it to Barnes and Noble and I got one! I'm super stoked guys, it's pretty cool.  I just got the simple touch, but now I can read all of the things on a not computer screen and bring tons of books places while only carrying around one object.  Now I can hang out with cool authors and read stories and books for funzies!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Fire Escape

I see you from my window
You climb too high to reach
But I know if I ever need you
The gap I'll have to breech

For now inside you're cool enough
I don't need to run away
But maybe I'll use you as an excuse
To light a fire someday

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Birthday Roads

A candid shot with the birthday boy!
Last night I got to out on College Ave with Michael and Willson for their birthday. (It was also my mother's birthday, but she's too far away to go for drinks).  It was quite fun, and there was even a fire!  On the way home the roads were deserted, so I decided to sit in the middle of one for the heck of it.  It was nerve racking, even though I could see for miles and would know when a car was coming.  I only stayed in the street for about a minute, right after I left a cop drove by the other way.  Woo rebellion!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ode to a Waterbottle

Sonnet Sundays: 2nd Edition.  (yes, I realize these aren't formally sonnet form, but the alliteration could not be overlooked.).  Every Sunday, I am going to write love poetry to everyday objects that get casually overlooked by the average human, but not me.  I'll celebrate these super objects through ballads, sonnets, haiku's and any other poetry form I can fathom.

We fill each other
With cool clean thoughts
Pure love
Passing through each other

I use you
Yet you're always there
I lose you
Leave you
Find you

Always coming around
Staying by my side
I never deserved you
Where have you gone to hide?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Rebellion at its finest

So, Portia and I decided to do the cooliest thing.  Last year we made up a conspiracy theory. Here it is:
"While originally attributed to William Shakespeare, the infamous Romeo and Juliet was recently discovered to be the work of Edgar Allen Poe.  Recent tests conclude that Poe wrote the play, soaked it in tea and burnt the edges before placing the script at Shakespeare's home in Stratford Upon Avon."
So, of course, we changed the Wikipedia page accordingly.

(Click on Pictures to enlarge)

Unfortunately it was changed back to its original form about a minute later.  Luckily I got the screenshots before it got taken down.  Then we decided to try changing a lesser-known play of his to see how long it would take for them to change that one.  Again, only a few minutes before they took it down, but it's still hilarious.

I sent the pictures to my Theatre professor, and her reply made all of it totally worth it.
