Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Traveling Plans

I just realized how much car time I'm getting in 10 days.  I'm going all over the place!  This winter break is going to be chocked full of me going between places (also a trip to Texas for Christmas!)  I thought I'd map it out and update you guys on where I've already been!

Friday: Milwaukee
Caught Portia's brother in his high school production of Godspell, and then the Milwaukee holiday parade Saturday morning before heading back to Appleton for finals.  It was really fun to see the show, and the marching band was fun to see, although I couldn't feel my legs by the time the parade was over.

Saturday-Monday: Appleton
Took care of finals and wrapped up some other school-related items/packed up for winter break.  It felt really odd to pack up and leave Comedy House, I kept having flash forwards to packing up at the end of the year- to leave Lawrence for good.  It was definitely surreal, but I got it done!

Tuesday-Wednesday: Iowa City
Got to go to my Iowa home (which I now refer to as "my parents house" because I haven't really lived there for a few years now).  Molly got home too, so I got to hang out with her and Delaney and I hung out at the Vine for a bit- geeking out, as usual.

Thus far I've done 500 miles of this 12 day traveling spree, and I'm still having a good time with it.  Luckily I downloaded a bunch of my Shakespeare podcasts and I've got enough musical theatre to last a lifetime.  This afternoon I'm off to Elmhurst to be there in time for the Turkey Bowl Thanksgiving morning football game tomorrow (and cocoa and doughnuts).

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